Solution Tool

smartIQ Catalogue

With our catalogue of over 100,000 vehicle information, we support our business partners in policy and depreciation processes.

Over 100,000 Vehicle Data in smartIQ Car Catalogue.

Automobile catalogue is a document that can be used for different purposes in the automotive sector. SmartIQ’s catalogue, which is prepared with confirmed data with high TSB code matching rate, is actively used in Sales and Marketing departments, Vehicle Leasing and Leasing Companies and Insurance Companies.    

  • Value Determination and Damage Assessment
  • Insurance Premium Calculation
  • Reference for Vehicle Values
  • Second Hand Car Insurance
  • Insurance Decisions and Reviews are among the tool catalogue usage areas.

Over 100,000 Vehicles

The smartIQ Vehicle Catalogue had an ever-increasing and continuously updated data pool.

High TSB Code Match

Thanks to the high TSB Code matching, it is very fast and easy to access the data of the searched vehicle in the smartIQ Vehicle Catalogue.

Contact us

Maximise Your Profitability While Managing Your Business

Everything you need to grow your business is together with smartIQ. Thanks to our Artificial Intelligence-based software, you will not miss potential opportunities in the automobile market. By analysing the history of each vehicle, you can make accurate valuations and manage your stocks more effectively.

Then what do we do?

We will schedule a call at your convenience.


An exploration and information meeting.


We prepare an offer with our most suitable tools for you.

Let's Talk About How We Can Improve Your Business

Marmara Üniversitesi Teknopark, Eğitim Mh. Hızırbey Cd. No:118/4 Kadıköy-İstanbul

Geleceğin Otomobil İşletmeleri için
Platform Ortaklarımız
  • Oto Galeriler 
  • Otomobil Bayileri
  • Araç Filo Şirketleri
  • Sigorta Şirketleri
  • Bankalar